How to give

[vc_testimonial type=”2″ author=”2. Corinthians, chapter 9 verse 7″]

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver

[vc_iconbox icon=”fa-money” type=”default” color=”secondary” iconpos=”left” size=”small” title=”Cash” external=””] [/vc_iconbox]

Notes and coins can be given in INFO

[vc_iconbox icon=”mdfi_action_credit_card” type=”default” color=”secondary” iconpos=”left” size=”small” title=”Creditcard” external=””] [/vc_iconbox]

We accept credit card, MasterCard and other major credit cards

[vc_iconbox icon=”mdfi_hardware_laptop” type=”default” color=”secondary” iconpos=”left” size=”small” title=”Netbank” external=””] [/vc_iconbox]

We gladly accept payments via NetBank. Reg. No. 9340 Account No. 0000912603

[vc_iconbox icon=” mdfi_hardware_phone_android” type=”default” color=”secondary” iconpos=”left” size=”small” title=”MobilePay” external=””][/vc_iconbox]

If you would like to use mobile payment, our number:80061
